Editing Techniques

Last Updated on April 7, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

Editing involves more than just grammar and surface-level errors. If you do not want to end up in frustration with the teacher asking you to rewrite essay, keep a few editing techniques handy.  Effective editing is the key to making sure that the wording and structure are as good as they can be.

The editing starts right from the first draft.  Allow yourself to use these checklists as your tips while you edit your essay:

1. Get the right essay structure

Leave some time between finishing the essay and starting the editing process.  This lets you edit it with a fresh mind. If you choose to immediately edit the text, you will realise that you are so close to the text that you are unable to locate the errors. The first step will be to take a look at the structure. Also, consider taking a look at the overarching arguments you are developing and check the points that you have made when building your essay towards a logical conclusion.  

Check whether adding any certain points can make your essay look more interesting or if you are revealing too much in the introductory paragraph.

2. Check the overly complicated language

Using complicated languages does not make you look intelligent. So always aim for concise and clear language to avoid being pretentious or verbose. We are not saying to use complex words at all – just make sure you are not overdoing it and carefully choose the situation.

3. Read your paper out loud

As we read our essays out loud, we tend to hear how they actually sound instead of how we imagine them to sound.  So that’s a huge difference!  Hearing out your essay from another voice also gives you another opportunity for catching errors that you may otherwise miss.  It is always easier for being critical of someone else’s work than we are of ourselves. If you find any sentence that you would never really use in a normal sentence, then perhaps it indicates you should change it.

Reading your essay aloud also makes you stay aware of the rhythm and pace of the text

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4.  Concentration is key

Concentration is essential if you wish to spot mistakes. This implies getting rid of your distractions and any kind of potential interruptions. So turn down the television or phone. This will help you stay away from the constant notification.

5. Print it out

You are staring at your paper for a long time and are still unable to find a single flaw in the paper. So, instead, make sure you print out the work. You may consider changing the font size. You will realise how it is easy to spot mistakes that you could not notice despite seeing them hundred times.

6. Watch out for repetition of words and ideas

It is easy to repeat yourself without really realising it when you are composing an essay.  The editing process will let you spot this before your teacher encounters it.  Eliminate the sentences that seem repetitive and do not add value to your essay topic. Explaining a particular point in your essay for too long can hamper the strength of your argument. Sometimes all you need is a clear, simple statement along with brief evidence to support your claims

7.  Keep the formatting consistent

When you are editing formatting must not be neglected.  Make sure consistency is maintained when using italics, adding spaces between lines, fonts, etc. . however, if you are overwhelmed with taking care of too many things at once, consider using an online citation generator.  

Following these editing techniques will help you avoid instances where you are asked to rewrite your essays. 

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