Last Updated on February 12, 2023 by

Research questions and objectives of dissertation are directly related to each other. They both are interdependent, and one cannot survive without the another. Research questions are basically the questions that researchers ask about the issue. Objectives are the practical steps the researcher specifies to undertake to answer the research questions. Research questions build the foundation for the research objectives. The objectives must not stray from the research questions and must be consistent with them. There should be harmony between the research questions and research objectives. Researchers must understand the crucial relationship between research questions and objectives. This article will tell you about the relationship between research questions and the objectives of the dissertation.

What is a research question?

Research questions are at the centre of scientific enquiry because recording correct research findings depends on asking the right questions. When conducting research, asking the proper questions can assist you in gathering pertinent and illuminating information that eventually has a good impact on your work. The best research questions are often simple to comprehend, concise, and interesting. A research question is a particular question to which the study is trying to find an answer. It is at the centre of systematic study and aids in defining a clear course for the research procedure.

Any research effort often starts with a research question. In essence, it serves as the main questioning point for your study and establishes the workflow for your task. A research question often directs all investigation, evaluation, and presentation phases. Research questions establish the technique and formulate the hypothesis. You can acquire knowledge that will be helpful for your investigation if you ask the correct research questions. There are two types of research questions: quantitative and qualitative. It is recommended to hire a dissertation writing service when working on the both types of research questions.

What are the objectives of the dissertation?

One of the most important components of a dissertation is its goals and objectives. The aims and objectives of dissertation can serve as a framework to provide your research direction and emphasis. It is because the objectives of dissertation will determine the final extent, complexity, and direction of your study. With your aims outlining what is to be accomplished and your objectives outlining how it will be accomplished, an appropriate list of aims and objectives will provide a focus for your study and clarity for your reader.

The primary objective or major goal of your research study is described in a research aim. Thus, it serves as the main focus of your research and makes it clear to your readers what your research is all about. A research aim can be as brief as one sentence or as long as a short paragraph. It is typically formulated as a general summary of the study’s primary objective. Research objectives explain how your study will address a research aim, which describes what your research will investigate.

Research objectives break down your research goal into several more manageable components, each corresponding to a crucial area of your research study. Since each objective typically receives its chapter in a dissertation or thesis, practically all research objectives acquire the structure of a numbered list.

What is the relation between research questions and the objectives of the dissertation?

Research questions and objectives of dissertation are integral components of a research paper. Researchers have to build connections between research questions and the objectives of dissertation. Research questions are the inquiry points which sets off the investigation. The authors collect data and review secondary literature to answer the research questions. Research questions are the inquiry points, whereas the objectives of dissertation are the outcomes researcher wants to achieve through the inquiry. Objectives are the goals which the researcher determines for himself or herself and try to achieve them by conducting a systematic inquiry.

Objectives are listed numerically at the beginning of the research and are usually incorporated in the introduction section. The researcher tries to achieve each objective or more than one objective in the main body of the dissertation and divides the objectives into separate chapters. Research questions and research objectives complement each other since the researcher derives the objectives of dissertation from the questions. Research questions encompass the macro-concepts. A researcher further breaks down the macro-concepts into smaller concepts by specifying them in the research objectives. So, a research question is inquisitive in nature, and the researcher either confirms or refutes the question with the help of data collection.

On the other hand, research objectives are the practical steps and actions a researcher takes to answer the questions. Objectives of dissertation signify what the author seeks to extract from the research and what will be the expected results and outcomes of the research. Research questions are clear, specific and straightforward. Similarly, research objectives also have to be clear, realistic and verifiable. You can write the research objectives by using action verbs. For instance:

  • This study seeks to discover
  • The current study aims to determine
  • The current research seeks to establish
  • Identify
  • Compare
  • Analyse
  • Evaluate
  • Explore
  • Describe

Objectives of dissertation must abide by the following criteria:

SMART Criteria

  1. Specific

The research objectives must be specific and clearly stated so that the readers can easily comprehend them. Vague research objectives have a negative impact on the research process.

  • Measurable

Making your objectives measurable is essential for achieving them. You can create benchmarks to measure your progress toward achieving your goals.

  • Achievable

Realistic goals are necessary, and you can accomplish them. Ensure your study objectives align with your available resources and time. Excessively lofty objectives are unattainable in the context of a given research study. You should also consider whether you possess the necessary abilities to accomplish the stated goals.

  • Relevant

Ensure your objectives are consistent with your research and overall objectives. It can help you stay motivated and focused during your research study. The aims must not include details that the research problem does not already have. The goals must be relevant to the research problems and questions and must not deviate from the research problem.

  • Time-Bound

You can use deadlines to keep your study schedule on track. You can set a general timeline for the entire research study and more precise deadlines for each objective. You might have to divide your goal into smaller parts if the schedule is fairly long. Determine the steps you need to take to accomplish your main goal and how long each will take.


Research questions and objectives of dissertation are integral components of the research process. These two concepts are highly interrelated and complement each other. Researchers can follow the above-mentioned guidelines for writing research questions and objectives.

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