
Last Updated on December 21, 2022 by

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React Native or Node JS- What to choose for the development of your web project? The two frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, and deciding which is the best option for your project can be a challenge. In this post, we will compare React Native and Node JS on several parameters. We will also give our thoughts on which framework to choose for the development of a website.

What is Node Js?

What is Node Js?

Node.js is a javascript framework for developing web applications’ backend. Node.js runs on the V8 JavaScript engine of Google Chrome, which makes it lightweight and compact. Additionally, its event-driven and non-blocking architecture makes it efficient for web app developers who need to provide APIs or deliver HTTP requests.

Key Features of Node Js

  • Enhanced performance: Developers might use non-blocking techniques to improve web app performance.
  • Cross-platform: It can run on various operating systems like Windows, Linux, etc.
  • Server Development: Node has several benefits, one of which is its own APIs. With Node.js installed, developers can create various types of servers such as DNS and HTTP.
  • Open-source: Node.js is a free and open-source software framework.
  • Highly Scalable: Node.js is highly scalable as it can handle a large number of requests with ease.
  • Unit Testing: The unit testing for Node.js, called Jasmine, efficiently tests code that is already written.

Pros of Node JS

  • It comes with an integrated package management system.
  • There are dozens of package modules available for Nodejs.
  • Having a separate CLI to retrieve and download all of the code components throughout the development of your web application is a huge time-saver.
  • It’s perfect for use as a server-side gateway. As a result, your server-side web application can handle numerous simultaneous requests.
  • It handles huge volumes of data.
  • It is very extendable, as it supports thousands of packages.

Cons of Node JS

  • It has a relatively steep learning curve.
  • If an error occurs in one part of the code, it can break the entire application.
  • The callback function can make the code hard to read and debug.
  • It is unsuitable for CPU-intensive applications as it uses a single thread to handle all requests.

What is React JS?

ReactJS is an open-source Javascript framework that helps design single-page user interfaces. To do this, it builds reusable UI components which make API calls. Its main advantage is that projects can be done quickly while still adaptable. However, a downside to ReactJS is that it’s difficult to reuse react modules in other projects outside of the original one it was made for. React’s virtual DOM (Document Object Model) approach is laborious and inaccurate. React components are responsible for generating a short, reusable HTML element. Complex apps may be designed from simple building blocks by layering elements within other components. When you hire react native developers, they will take care of all these complexities for you.

Key React Js Features

  • JSX: JSX is a syntax extension of JavaScript that lets you write HTML code in JavaScript. By using JSX, you can put HTML tags in JavaScript without concatenating strings. Consequently, your code will be easier to read and maintain.
  • Virtual DOM: Virtual DOM is a technique used to improve web app performance. An exact copy of the DOM is created, and changes to that copy are made. These changes are then reflected on the actual DOM.
  • Component-based: React is component-based, which can be used to create reusable UI components.
  • One-way data binding: React uses one-way data binding, which means data flows in one direction, starting from the parent component and going to the child component.

Pros of React JS

  • It makes debugging process easier as there is an error boundary feature in React 16.
  • The code written in React is easy to understand.
  • React is a stable framework as it supports backward compatibility.
  • React can be used on the server and client sides.
  • It is easy to test React applications as it comes with Jest, a testing framework.

Cons of React JS

  • The library itself is small, but there are too many dependencies.
  • React is unsuitable for large projects because it lacks a stable codebase and community support.
  • It is difficult to learn React as it uses JSX, a syntax extension of JavaScript.
  • React’s virtual DOM approach is laborious and inaccurate.

Node Js vs React: Comparison Parameters


Microservices architecture is a novel approach to building scalable backends. You may divide your web application into many tiny services that operate independently, making it easier for multiple teams to work on various parts of the program simultaneously. This technique also aids in software development and product delivery speed. For React, Node.js is a popular microservices platform that Netflix, Walmart, and Yahoo have used. React native experts can help you with the development of your project.

Learning Curve:

The learning curve for React is quite steep as it uses JSX, a syntax extension of JavaScript. Also, the library itself is small, but there are too many dependencies. However, once you get used to React, it becomes easy to create reusable UI components. Node.js has a relatively steep learning curve. If an error occurs in one part of the code, it can break the entire application. The callback function can make the code hard to read and debug.

Community Support:

React has a large community that is constantly growing. There are many React conferences and meetups held all over the world. Also, Facebook and other companies use React, which helps to fund its development. The Node.js community is active and large. However, most of the modules are developed by third-party developers.

App Size and Performance:

React is a lightweight library, so the resulting apps are usually fast and responsive. However, React’s virtual DOM approach is laborious and inaccurate. Node.js applications are often large due to the number of dependencies. However, Node.js is very fast as it uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.

Node js vs React js: Which is Better?

It depends on your needs. If you need a lightweight and fast library, then React is the way to go. However, if you need a robust framework with a large community, then Node.js is the better option. Ultimately, the decision lies in your hands. Hire react native developers with React expertise to get the best out of this technology. React native experts will be able to help you with your project and ensure its success.

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