Victim Complex

Last Updated on December 21, 2022 by

Have you ever had a friend constantly making excuses for not achieving their goals, blaming everyone and everything but themselves? Chances are they suffer from a victim complex. A victim complex is when someone believes that they are the unfortunate target of other people’s intentions. They think there is no way to avoid bad situations because someone else will always control them.

Victim complex psychology is a mental disorder wherein a person develops an obsessive sense of self-pity. The victim feels that they have been mistreated, ignored, wronged, and misunderstood. They believe that everyone around them is out to harm them somehow, emotionally or physically. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies.

Victim mentality is the idea that you’re a victim of your circumstances, other people, and your own emotions. When you develop a victim mentality, it’s impossible to be happy, and you blame others for your problems and convince yourself there’s nothing you can do about them. This section will explain how to turn the tables on your victim mentality and start taking charge of your life.

What Does Victim Mentality Look Like?

It is natural to feel bad about a situation, and it is normal to feel like you need to fix something. However, there is a difference between having a victim mentality and being proactive about your life and career.

Being aware of your behavior and how you react to certain situations is essential to creating the life you want. When you feel sorry for yourself or act out of desperation, take a step back, take a deep breath, and ask yourself what the best possible outcome could be in this particular situation.

Avoiding Responsibility

The main sign of victim’s mentality suggested by Botnick (a licensed marriage and family therapist) is lack of accountability, which might involve:

â—Ź Making excuses

â—Ź Placing blame everywhere

â—Ź Not taking responsibilities

â—Ź Reacting to most of the life hurdles believing it’s not their fault

You always hear about how victims are never responsible for their problems. If a victim were mugged, they would say that the mugger was wrong. If a victim were fired from their job, they would say it was unfair. Victims will never take responsibility for their problems because it is easier to blame elsewhere than themselves.

But this mentality is so destructive to your life that you have to stop using it immediately. You are responsible for everything in your life, and it’s your fault if you fail, not someone else’s.

A sense of powerlessness

Many people who feel victimized for their acts believe they do not possess the power to change their difficult situation. They don’t enjoy feeling downtrodden and would love for things to go well.

But according to people having a victim’s mentality perspective, life continues to throw situations at them that they can do nothing to succeed or escape from their problems.

Not Seeking Possible Solutions for Their Problems

People who don’t take the initiative to find solutions to their problems are victims. Victims focus on what is wrong with the world instead of what can be done to fix it.

Not every problem is unsolvable. Even if the problem seems impossible to get solved, at least a small action could lead the problem to be better at once. But the people facing the victim’s mentality or psychology believe that there is no possibility for them.


This article has introduced you to an idea of mental illness, which affects millions of people worldwide. If you are feeling downcast, anxious, or stressed out for any reason, it’s essential to consult a psychiatrist immediately. And if you are looking for a good psychiatrist, visit MARHAM.PK could be helpful for you since we have the best available psychiatrist.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- What creates a victim mentality?

People who possess a victim mentality have usually gone through hard times or trauma but have not developed a proper way to cope with that situation. As a result, they build a negative mindset in their life.

2- Are there benefits of being a victim?

Although there is no symptom of being victimized, you may get a lot of attention after being crushed, people listen to your story, and others are likely to criticize you.

3- What are the psychological effects of victimization?

You may face different psychological effects after believing or getting victimized, such as confusion, shame, guilt, fear, or frustration.

4- How can I free myself from the victim’s mentality?

You can take possible measures such as resisting self-sabotage, stopping blaming others, or building self-confidence to cope with a victim’s mentality.