
Last Updated on May 21, 2024 by Ali Hamza

6 Common Plumbing Problems That You Should Be Aware Of During Winter In Australia

While we don’t experience the freezing temperatures that our counterparts in other parts of the world do, the winter months in Australia can still wreak havoc on our plumbing. Here are six of the most frequent issues with plumbing that you should be aware of as the colder months approach:

Burst Pipes

Baulkham Hills plumbing experts are often called out to fix burst pipes during the winter. This is a common problem in Australia, especially when temperatures drop below freezing. Your home may sustain significant damage from burst pipes, which will be expensive to fix. Burst pipes happen because when the water in the pipes freezes, it expands, causing the pipe to burst. If you think you may have a burst pipe, call an expert plumber immediately. They’ll be able to evaluate the damage and make the necessary repairs.

Blocked Drains

Blocked Drains

Another common issue that can develop during the winter is blocked drains. When debris and water freeze in the pipes, it can cause them to expand and block the drain. This can be a problem if the drain is in a hard-to-reach place, as you may need to call a plumber to fix it. You can do a few things to prevent this from happening, such as insulating your pipes and keeping the area around the drain clear.

Water Heaters That Don’t Work

Water heaters are a common household appliance in Australia, but they can be a source of frustration when they don’t work properly. Winter is the most common time for water heater problems, as the cold weather can cause the unit to freeze and stop working. If your water heater isn’t working during the winter, there are a few things you can try to get it up and running again:

  1. Check the power source to make sure the appliance is plugged in and receiving power.
  2. Ensure the thermostat is set to the appropriate temperature. The heater might not be able to heat the water sufficiently if the thermostat is set too low.
  3. Check the water supply if it’s turned on.

If these steps don’t solve the problem, you might need to call a licensed plumber to fix the water heater.

Low Water Pressure

There are a number of potential causes for this, including frozen pipes, system leaks, or just a high demand for water. Low water pressure can be a bothersome issue for any number of reasons.

You can check for leaks, thaw frozen pipes, or boost your system’s water pressure to attempt some do-it-yourself solutions to the issue. If you are unable to resolve the issue, you might need to seek assistance from your local water authority. In the meantime, there are a few ways to make do with low water pressure, such as using a bucket to flush the toilet or taking shorter showers.

Frozen Pipes

Frozen Pipes

Your home may sustain particular damage as a result of frozen pipes, which is very expensive to repair. If you think your pipes might be frozen, call a plumber right away. To prevent your pipes from freezing in the first place, there are a few things you can do. Make sure your house is properly insulated and set the temperature on your thermostat to at least 18 degrees Celsius. It would help if you also opened your cupboard doors to let warm air circulate through your pipes. If you end up with frozen pipes, thaw them slowly and carefully using a hairdryer or a heat lamp. It would help if you also allowed your taps to drip during cold weather to prevent frozen pipes. Hot water from your bathtub or shower may be able to thaw the pipes more quickly.

Leaking Pipes

 While frozen pipes are a serious problem, leaking pipes are also common in Australia during winter, especially in older homes. Leaks can be difficult to identify, as they often leak very slowly. One of the best ways to find and fix a leaking pipe is to check your water bill – you will notice a sudden increase in water usage if a pipe leaks. You may also hear a distinctive gushing sound when the water is strongest. If you suspect a pipe inside your home leaks, you should not turn on additional taps or toilets to increase the water pressure. Instead, close any taps that are running and immediately call a plumber. If a pipe is leaking inside a wall, you will have to get a plumber to come and fix it – cutting into walls yourself is not safe, as you may damage other pipes or wiring in the wall. It would help if you also were careful when thawing leaking pipes–the leaking water may be contaminated or at least unpleasant to stand in.


If you take a few simple precautions, your plumbing system should be safe and functional during the winter. We hope this article has helped inform you of the most common plumbing problems in Australia during winter and reminded you to call a plumber if you run into a problem you can’t solve.

Apart from this if you are interested to know about Choosing a plumbing business then visit our Health category.